Masturbator egg experience by Frans

After the email that alerted me to this product, I immediately ordered 2 surprise eggs out of curiosity.
Immediately after receipt I tried the 1st egg together with my wife.....
That turned out to be a great success (thanks in part to the skillful "handedness" of my wife, I must admit).....!
Mainly because of my great enthusiasm about our 1st experience with the masterbatie egg, my wife then came up with a naughty and exciting destination for the 2nd surprise egg we received: when a very good friend of ours stayed overnight with us at the weekend, she put this egg as a "special present" for him on the nightstand of the bed in our guest room.....
Later that evening, after a very pleasant (and also somewhat "sweltering") evening together with our friend, my wife and I were anxiously awaiting how our friend would react to the surprise egg next to his guest bed.
To our (very pleasant) surprise, he reacted very spontaneously and at least as naughty and defiantly to our "gift" by unabashedly walking into our bedroom naked with the surprise egg in hand and unashamedly asking my wife to use this exciting demonstrate attribute to him.......
To his (and also my) great surprise and delight, this did not fall on deaf ears and my wife responded very enthusiastically and sympathetically to his request.....
In this way, your amazing silky soft masturbator unexpectedly and very playfully formed the stepping stone to our first actual threesome sex experience, which my wife and I (as well as our boyfriend) had been longing for for a long time.....
Many thanks for that!
The next time our good (and now also very intimate) friend comes to stay with us for another night, I will order at least 2 masturbation eggs from you in advance.....
So that my wife can use both hands to "hit 2 birds with one stone"
Grateful greetings,